BATTLE OF BRITAIN (Done Properly) by Peter Hunt
Tuesday 20th August 1940 While the action was taking place during the afternoon, Churchill was in Parliament and it was on this day that he delivered his speech that ended with "... never, in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few."
“If you want something done properly you have to do it yourself.”
what follows is an attempt to make a coherent game out of PSC’s “Battle
of Britain.”
The new mechanics are a combination of the original TSR, and the new PSC
rules, (the two rules as written: RAW,) plus some of my own ideas, using
the PSC components.
RsAW abstract the dynamics of the raids with a passage of time,
telescoping daily raids into a longer campaign.
TSR RAW had an ongoing campaign system that the PSC version deleted in
favour of a resetting tournament system with three games and little
rules restore the campaign system.
idea is to give a “feel” for the continuing battle that more closely
follows the historical outline of the battle and better reflects the
dynamics of mounting and countering raids over Britain.
[A little note on terms: the RsAW use the term “flight” for a formation
made up of several squadrons. This is silly and more than a little bit
irritating as a flight is a subunit of a squadron not a collective noun
for squadrons. The proper term is a “wing” for the British and
“geschwader,” (if you don’t mind getting spittle all over your plotting
map,) for the bigger German formations, and we shall jolly well use
those terms.]
Whilst these amendments use the PSC components you will need to add one
pack of normal playing cards to keep track of successful bombing raids
and RAF losses. Give the German player one card, (or if you like the
face value of cards equal to the number of successful raids or squadrons
shot down.) DO NOT Mix the cards! The totals for successful bombing
raids and RAF squadrons lost are separate and required for victory
The battle was fought in three phases over 11 weeks
from 10th July to approximately 24th September as
shown below, [note that the three
phases do not exactly align with weeks.] In
addition to the requirements of the RAW these amendments introduce the
following new elements:
Order of Battle: How repairs, withdrawals, rotations and reinforcements
affected the campaign.
Weather: How the elements affected the campaign.
Targets: How German targeting priorities affected the campaign.
Order of Battle
The key to the survivability of the RAF in the
battle was the ability to rotate, squadrons with high casualties and
fatigue from 11 Group to the North and replace them with fresh
example, of the 22 squadrons in 11 Group on 10th July only 9
were still in the group on 7th September.
This is not reflected in the RAW as a
result of which 10 and 11 Groups become denuded whilst the northern
groups remain at full strength. This has
both pros and cons for the German player as although attacks in the
south become easier attacks on the north become very difficult as the
bombers with a limited number of Bf 110s face full strength wings,
rather than the training formations and depleted units that were common
in the battle. The amendments cater for
this rotation. In addition to the
rotation of squadrons fighter command was reinforced by a small number
of allied squadrons during the Battle. This
too is now reflected in the amendments.
[Combat in the Battle was not continuous as there were days of bad
weather over Britain, or “quiet” days when flying was possible over
Britain, but the Luftwaffe did little, either because of bad weather
over their own bases or because they were recovering from a maximum
days allowed the British a respite to rest, rebuild and repair to await
the next onslaught.]
Although there are 11 turns, as in the PSC RAW system,
a turn does not really represent a week of fighting but rather abstracts
the feel of conducting and combatting raids into a campaign continuum
and includes a similar amount of respite for the British as happened in
the real campaign but abstracted into turns, rather than individual days
The target decks are now stacked to reflect the
Luftwaffe’s targeting priorities by removing types of targets from the
deck in the different phases of the game. Neither side may look at
removed cards. The German player will have three unused target cards in
his hand at the beginning of each new phase of the battle. Whilst all
the other used target cards are recycled at the beginning of each new
phase the three unused cards,
[presumably for unpalatable targets,] are retained in the German
The game proceeds as follows (the game turns are
summarized at Appendix 1):
Kanalkampf: Turns 1-4, 10th July to 7th
Weather: 29 days including 8 bad and 6 quiet.
½ of the turns should be respites.
Targets: The radar chain, southern airfields and aircraft factories.
the target deck as follows: remove both London cards and 13 of the other
city cards at random, and the Catterick, Ringway and Wittering airfield
Alder Tag: Turns 5-8, 8th August to 6th
Order of Battle: At the beginning of turn 5 rotate squadrons, remove two
bomb hits from each city and remove the RAF Defiant squadrons.
the beginning of turn 6 add No 310 Czechoslovak
Squadron to 12 Group. At the beginning of
turn 7 remove the Luftwaffe Stuka squadrons and add No 1 RCAF squadron
to 11 Group and No 302 Polish Squadron to 12 Group. At
the beginning of turn 8 add No 303 Polish Squadron to 11 Group.
Weather: 30 days including 6 bad and 4 quiet. So, 1/3 of the turns
should be respites.
Targets: Fighter Command. Replace all the used target cards and
reconfigure the target deck as follows: remove the both London cards, 13
of the other city cards, 6 of the radar cards at random.
The Blitz: Turns 9-11, 7th September to
24th September
Order of Battle: At the beginning of turn 9 rotate squadrons and remove
two bomb hits from each city. The British may use the Big Wing and
Luftflotte 2 geschwader may be reinforced to 7 squadrons if aircraft are
Weather: 18 days including 1 bad and 7 quiet. So, 4/9 of the turns
should be respites.
Targets: The Cities. Replace all the used target cards and remove 6
radar and 6 airfield cards at random.
the target deck as follows: remove both London cards.
the deck and deal off the top 10 cards of the deck.
the two London Cards into these 10, and then place the 12 cards at the
top of the deck.
either of the London targets are bombed but not knocked out, place the
card on the top of the target deck for the next turn.
The Luftwaffe’s aim was to achieve air superiority
by 15th September to allow time for an invasion of Britain.
Initially they targeted aviation infrastructure, (radar, airfields and
factories,) but later turned to bombing cities as a means of forcing the
RAF to engage and bring them to battle.
Over the approximately 7 flying turns of the game
the Luftwaffe can be expected to mount 43 missions, (or possibly a few
more depending upon how well Luftflotte 5 does.)
a 66% success rate would be acceptable to Goring and Hitler the
Luftwaffe must successfully bomb, (including partially bombed cities,)
28 targets.[2]
A city that has been repaired still counts as having been successfully
Since target cards are replaced at the beginning of each new phase of
the battle they can no longer be used to keep track of the number of
targets hit.
keep score with playing cards.
During the Battle the RAF lost 1017 fighters compared to Luftwaffe
losses of 1700 all types, an exchange ratio of 6 to 10.
To win the game the Luftwaffe must bomb at least 28 targets and maintain
a loss rate of 6 to 10 or less.
The game will be drawn if the Luftwaffe bomb more than 28 targets but
has a higher loss rate; or bombs less than 28 targets, but more than 21,
and has a lower loss rate.
Any other result is a British victory.
To calculate loss rates both players collect their damaged squadrons
cards at the end of the game, (the damaged squadron cards for the
Germans and the playing cards awarded for the British.)
British player deals a hand of six, and the German player 10.
to deal these hands until one player cannot deal a full hand.
both cannot deal a full hand at the same time then the loss rate is 6 to
If a player has cards left when the other has run out then the player
with cards left has the lower loss rate.
Stood down squadrons, withdrawn Defiants and
Stukas, and any squadrons in a withdrawn geschwader do not count as
[So, you have no incentive to needlessly soak up
casualties with them before they are withdrawn.]
(Major Changes Highlighted Red)
The Standby Phase
Step 1. Advance the turn marker
Step 2. British Production and Repair
Rotate British squadrons and add any reinforcements as described below.
Now throw for repairs using the TSR version. i.e. the British player
states how many dice he is throwing for squadrons, and how many to
repair airfields and radar.
[Removing bomb hit from cities at the beginning of turns 5 and 9 should
bring many cities back into production.
aircraft production was higher at the end of the battle than at the
beginning, (although trained aircrew remained scarce.)
since all the target cards are re-cycled a city can now be bombed
several times in a game, as happened.]
Step 3. Check the Weather
If the Luftwaffe do not fly
[the RAF player thanks heaven for
the blessed respite, lounges in his deckchair keeping a wary eye out on
the southern horizon, pets his faithful Labrador, thinks about that WRAF
popsy in the Operations Room, and wonders if he has a chance of a
look-in with her whilst that squadron of bloody Poles is on the base,
but he still jumps every time the telephone rings.]
to the Next Turn.
If the Luftwaffe do fly
[the Luftwaffe player is woken by
his orderly before dawn with a cup of coffee, a cigarillo and the word
that the targets for today are being deciphered on the Lorenz machine.]
the Turn.
The first turn of the game can be a respite turn, (in fact historically
it was since there was only good flying weather on 3 of the first 7 days
of the battle.)
Step 4. Squadron Alert
and German)
As per PSC RAW.
Note change of order between
steps 4 and 5.
the German gets to see what squadrons he has in a geschwader before
giving it its mission.
the return of “stood down” squadrons below, these will be the first to
be used to reinforce wings or geschwader before other squadron cards are
Step 5. German Mission Assignment
As per PSC RAW.
also the special rule for Luftflotte 5 below.
The “Tally Ho” Phase
Step 6. Luftwaffe Movement
As per PSC RAW,
except for changes below on the “12 Group Line” and
that geschwader do not halt on
the radar line.
Each time a geschwader enters a radar square, (not
just the first time,) the RAF player can announce an intercept.
he does so this must be announced in suitably clipped R/T tones to the
effect of: “Scramble the Hawkinge Wing. I have trade for you over
Foreness. Climb to Angels 15.
The British player then moves the
intercepting wing one square.
[Making Merlin engine noises are optional but encouraged.] Then, the
German moves his geschwader one square, and the British moves his one
square, and so on. The geschwader stops moving when it is in a square
with a wing, [at which point one
or both players should make suitable “dakka, dakka, dakka” noises,]
when it starts a bomb run [the
whistles of descending bombs will not be amiss,] or when it has
moved five or ten squares. If an
intercepting wing does not reach its target it is returned to its
station immediately before British movement. It
cannot move in the British movement of this Tally Ho phase but may move
again in later Tally Ho phases of the same turn.
[Comment: This procedure allows geschwader to feint towards
the radar line to pull British defenders out of position. However, these
tactics use up fuel. It also means that in many cases geschwader can
bomb coastal or near inland targets on their first phase aloft.]
Step 7. RAF Movement
As per PSC RAW.
Step 8. Battle and Bombing
As per PSC RAW
except see changes below for
dogfight and intercept procedures, and any RAF wing that has fought must
return to base.
Step 9. “Tumult in the Clouds”
As per the TSR RAW repeat the Tally Ho phase steps 6 to 8 above until
all geschwader have reached for home.
wings that return to base in one Tally Ho phase of a turn can intercept
or move and dogfight in other Tally Ho phases of the same turn.
turn ends when the last geschwader reaches for home.
geschwader that did not take off in the first Tally Ho phase of a turn
must take off in the second Tally Ho phase or not fly at all this turn.
Thus there can only be a maximum of 4 Tally Ho phases in each turn.
Squadron Rotation
Squadron rotation represents the transfer north of depleted and
battle-weary squadrons and their replacement by newly trained and fresh
this manner 12 Group, and, especially, 13 Group provided succor to the
Front Line in the South.
To rotate squadrons, take a combat ready squadron
in the group indicated to donate and place it in the damaged squadrons
box. Then take a squadron of the same
type in the damaged squadron box of the receiving group and place it in
the combat ready box. In effect the loss in the receiving group has now
been transferred to the donating group.
Squadron Rotations are made as follows:
Beginning of Turn 5
11 Group sends 1 Hurricane and 1 Blenheim to 10
12 Group sends 1 Spitfire and 1 Hurricane to 11
13 Group sends 1 Spitfire to 10 Group.
13 Group sends 1 Spitfire and 2 Hurricanes to 11
Beginning of Turn 9
12 Group sends 1 Spitfire and 2 Hurricanes to 11 Group.
13 group sends 2 Spitfires and 2 Hurricanes to 11 Group.*
*In fact, 13 Group sent 5 Spitfire squadrons and 3
Hurricane squadrons down south, but the card mix does not allow for
So damage one of the 13 Group Hurricane squadrons
and rebuild an 11 Group Spitfire squadron instead, in total 11 Group
receives 3 Spitfires and 1 Hurricane from 13 Group this turn.
All squadron rotations are voluntary, the British player does not have
to carry out any or all of them.
they are time-expired and unused rotations are lost, they cannot be
“saved” for later turns.
13 Group Reserves
[More than half of 13 Group is not represented in
the RAW. Of the 14 squadrons in the group on 10th July only 6
are present in the game. Eventually 8 of these squadrons would go south
and another one to Northern Ireland.]
reflect the hidden strength of 13 Group and its role as the nursery and
health-farm of Fighter Command the Group starts the game with a pool of
4 replacement points that may be used as successful rebuilding dice,
except that they can only be used to rebuild squadrons in 13 Group, they
cannot be used to rebuild airfields or radar or transferred to other
groups. The British player decides if he
wants to use points from his pool after he has thrown his rebuilding
dice. [And
no, if he has surplus successful rebuilding dice he cannot add them to
his pool.]
The British player receives 4 reinforcements, each consisting of a
Hurricane squadron manned by allies as follows: No 310 Czechoslovak
Squadron to 12 Group on turn 6. No 1 RCAF squadron to 11 Group and No
302 Polish Squadron to 12 Group on turn 7; and No 303 Polish Squadron to
11 Group on turn 8. At the beginning of each of those turns take a
Hurricane from the damaged squadrons box of the appropriate group and
place it in the combat ready box.
No 303 Polish Squadron was exceptional, becoming the highest scoring
squadron in the battle despite not becoming operational until the end of
August, so it adds an ace marker to the wing it is allocated to.
The Weather Dice
Both sides throw one of their own dice.
The Luftwaffe will fly if the result is
a follows where + is a
Luftwaffe Cross, o is a RAF
Roundel and – is a Blank:
[This rule effectively introduces a variable game
length since you do not know if the final turn, (or turns even,) will be
flyable. Note however, that the weather
is determined after British repair so even on the last turn of the game
the British will repair squadrons which may affect the loss ratio.
Also, the British will not know whether
the last turn is flyable when they make their repairs so they still have
to decide whether to devote resources to squadrons or airfields/radar.]
[Alternative Weather Rule]
If you want to simplify things the 32 non-flying
days out of the 77 days of the battle represent 42% or 15/36ths.
Instead of having variable dice for the three phases of the
battle use +-, or
++, or
- - for every turn.
[Alternative, Alternative Weather Rule]
If you do not enjoy having your genius thwarted by random weather you
can cancel the weather throws and just factor the respite days into the
campaign which is shortened as follows:
[This alternative rule makes the game a bit shorter and more
predictable, but less exciting. It is probably better for those with a
low randomness threshold, or high blood pressure, or who have not
experienced the climatic joys of an English summer.]
[Alternative, Alternative, Alternative Weather Rule]
[The problem with any dice-dependent system is that the randomness rubs
up against wargamer’s pride, and let’s face it, you probably would not
have ended up in the cockpit of this Spitfire if you did not already
have a rather high opinion of your own abilities.
for the weather will not usually produce the same weather conditions as
in the campaign because of the vagaries of the dice, although if you
played enough campaigns this should average out.
in any particular game the British may complain that too much good
weather did not give them enough respite to repair and allowed for more
bombing sorties; or the Germans complain that too much bad weather in
the typical English summer allowed the RAF too much time to repair and
deprived them of bombing sorties.
following rule removes the randomness: every game will have 4 respite
and 7 flying turns, but “card-counting” will tell you when the game will
Take four black playing cards and seven red cards, shuffle well, and
draw one card each weather check step.
black card is a respite turn.
[Alternative, Alternative, Alternative, Alternative Weather Rule]
[Call me old fashioned, but you could always use the historical weather
of the campaign.
is predictable but then no one can say that the other player derived
some ahistorical advantage or disadvantage by having a respite just when
it was most needed by the British.]
In the real campaign turns 1, 4, 7 and 10 were respites.
As per the spirit of the TSR RAW Bf 109s and Ju 87s cannot enter a
square that is entirely north of the 12 Group southern boundary line. If
the boundary line divides a square they may enter it, (e.g. they can
reach Norwich, they cannot reach Happisburgh.)
JU 87s are part of a geschwader that is moving 10 squares they may reach
for home in the same manner as BF109s.
Luftflotte 2 and 3 Bf 110s north of the 12 Group Line have the same
characteristics as Luftflotte 5 Bf 110s, i.e. they have 2 dogfight dice,
not 3.
[Comment, as the PSC RAW stand you can turn the skies over Manchester
black with Bf 109s if you are willing to accept a 1/3 chance of them
running out of fuel. This is silly. Having enough fuel to dogfight over
London was their limit. The TSR rule is a lot more sensible and is
already generous.
the TSR rule only applied to Bf 109s, the Stukas did not have much
longer legs.]
As in the TSR RAW there is now no adverse
consequence of a geschwader not bombing a target. Thus,
the German player may be inclined to keep Luftflotte 5 as an air-fleet
in being to threaten the East Coast and to keep 12 and 13 Groups honest
without attacking them. This is a
legitimate strategy but Göring demanded an all-out coordinated effort
for Alder Tag. If Luftflotte 5 is still
active on turn 5 it must enter the radar line and attempt to bomb its
target on this turn. If it does not make
the attempt the Luftflotte is withdrawn from the game.
As per the PSC RAW except that if a squadron is required to be removed
for a lower number of hits than its damage strength number it is not
destroyed but temporarily “stood down,” having taken losses which can be
replaced in a short time.
that in any intercept only one squadron on either side can be stood
say two Spitfire squadrons with a defence of 4 each, had to take 6 hits,
you could not allocate 3 hits to each squadron and have them both stood
would be lost for 4 hits and one stood down for 2 hits.
the other-hand say one Bf 109 squadron (defence 4) and one Bf 110
squadron (defence 2) had to take 2 hits.
could either lose the Bf 110 or stand down the Bf 109.]
Stood down squadrons are set aside and returned to the top of the Group
or Luftflotte Combat Ready Box at the beginning of the second turn after
they are stood down.
that are stood down in intercepts during turns 10 or 11 count do not
count as lost at the end of the game.
[Comment: This makes intercepts slightly less bloody in the long term.]
As per the spirit of the TSR RAW when a geschwader
is engaged in a dogfight the German player arranges his squadrons into
three “gruppen” of at least one squadron each, or less gruppen if there
are only one or two squadrons remaining in the geschwader.
No gruppe can have four squadrons in it.
These gruppen are placed face down.
The RAF player then decides which gruppen he
is going to attack by placing his squadrons face down next to the
gruppen. He may do this in any way he
pleases, he does not have to fight all three gruppen. The
dogfights are then conducted using the PFC RAW. There
are no partial losses and thus no stand downs in dogfight combat.
[Comment: The PSC RAW usually has the British facing a wall of
in the sky. This system, partially based on the TSR system, allows the
British a chance to get at the German bombers, but more by luck than
judgement, (there will certainly be elements of bluff and double-bluff
in the organization of the gruppen so the British are never sure of what
they are attacking.)
also poses the Germans with the historical problem that they faced: do
they tie their fighters closely to the bombers, (e.g. one bomber and one
fighter in each gruppe) or do they concentrate the fighters so if the
British get a nasty surprise if do select the fighter gruppe to dogfight
Appendix 1
Battle of Britain Game Turns
All quotes and statistics taken from The Battle of Britain
Historical Society site at:
that gives a day by day account of weather, raids and losses.
This number was the result of one playtest, you may wish to vary
it. Also, perhaps
players could “bid” to be German using the number of targets
they aim to hit. |