2016 Competiton Results
DBMM Competition:
Second runner-up: Ken Chan
First runner-up: Bob Smith
Champion: Herbert Wong
Commands & Colors Ancients Competition:
Imperial Assault Competition:
Winner: Simon Lai, Runners-Up: Himson Lam and Henry Yan
Trophy sponsored by Alex Lam
Trophies were also presented at the AGM for the following HKSW 2015/2016 Competitions:
Pocket Battles Competition: Winner: James Cheung
2. Fire in the Lake Competition: Winner: Erwin Lau
3. Twilight Struggle Competition: Winner: Tristan Lee, Runner-Up:
Victor Law
4. Advanced
Squad Leader Competition: Winner: Anthony Leung, Runner-Up: Erwin Lau
5. Imperial Assault Competition: Winner: Lai Wai Kin, Runners-Up:
Himson Lam and Henry Yan