DBM Authurian Campaign
Jeff Herbert
The Rules
DBM Rules, 3 Saxon players start on table and up to
2 off table. All British players start on table. Each player has
three centres of occupation on table, which allow for the recruitment
of 2/1/1 elements every six turns. One centre, 2, is his capital
area. The six turns are split into 3 pairs, Spring Summer and Autumn.
In Winter a player's elements must be within 4" of either one
of his own centres or that of an Ally or Tributary.
If a British player takes a British centre on a D6
1,or 2, he destroys it, 3,4,5,6 it becomes his and he may recruit
from it. A British player may become Tributary to another British
player at any time. This cannot be broken until the Overlords
is killed when the Tributary may renounce allegiance.
A Saxon may become Tributary to another Saxon/Angle/Jute.
A British player may not become Tributary to a
Saxon/Pict/Irish player or make such Tributary while Arthur lives.
However Arthur
may force a English player to become Tributary.
The Roman Army, replaces losses with native troops,
which means it will gradually deteriorate.
British players may not rebuild destroyed sites, the
Celts declined throughout the period. While Arthur is alive Saxons
must destroy a British Site and then may rebuild on it. After
Arthur's death a Saxon player may capture a site on using the above British
dice throw without the need to rebuild. A site is rebuilt by standing
down 1 element on the site after recruitment has occurred during
Winter and before the Spring move. Settlement means less troops
are available in the coming year.
To take a settlement a player must score a 6 on a
D6, however he adds to his dice throw the sum of any of his elements
within 4". Six elements make it automatic. After gaining control
dice to see if the settlements are taken or destroyed.
Picts may not rebuild after Arthurs death.
Irish must destroy and rebuild and can only rebuild once on each site except
in Scotland. In Scotland the Irish capture and do not destroy any
Pictish Site. Recruitment from these sites remain Pictish figures.
Picts can only rebuild in Pictland and not after Arthurs death.
The Scots can rebuild outside Scotland and Pictland but only if
their sites are contiguous.
A tributary must give 3 elements to his Overlord and
maintain them at recruitment. The Overlord may use them as he wishes.
Command radius is 2', being out of command adds a pip.
Up to two Saxon players start off table on the East.
They may enter on a 6 on a D6 at any point on the East Coast. They
enter automatically if Arthur is killed. One Irish player starts
off table to the West he may enter at any time along the West Coast.
He may go back to sea at any time and re-enter two bounds
later with a full army. If he goes back to sea any centres
built revert to British/Welsh/Pict/Saxon players.
The Visigothic fleet starts off table.
It may arrive
at any time. It may fight to establish itself or be given ceded
centres at Arthur's choice if Arthur is still alive. Arthur may
cede any British area, the British owner cannot object, except to
his Capital being ceded. Arthur may also direct the Visigoths to
a Vacant Site. If on ceded/vacated territory the Visigoth acts as
a Brit and losses recruited from British elements. If establishing
himself he acts as is, recruiting from his own losses. He must have
however have at least one centre adjacent to a coast to do this
as reinforcements will come by sea.
On Arthur's death, the player becomes a normal British
Before Arthur's death Saxon may ally with Saxon or
Picts. British with British or Welsh. Pict with Saxon or Scot/Irish.
Irish with Pict. Allies may break the six element rule.
Unless in their own area an army of more than six
elements may suffer attrition on a 1 on a D6. If so they lose one
element. Exception Allies moving together. Allies may be moved within
Command and Control if One General is present. For attrition dice
each move.
When a player's elements are within 6" of another
non-tributary or Allied player's elements, both must declare their
intention's which are binding for the coming move. Battles, this
occurs when unfriendly elements declare their intention to attack.
The attacker goes first, dice if meeting in no-mans land. Each player
gets 3 bounds of play. The victor is the one who destroys more elements
than he has had destroyed. If a draw both fall back to their prior
battle positions. The loser must fall back to his first available
centre, or remain there if already there. However if he has lost
one third he must fall back to his second available centre. The
Victor may follow up taken possession of the first centre. If a
player has only his capital left he must either declare himself
under siege or seek sanctuary from another player. If granted he
leaves his 'homeland' and stands down all but up to three elements.
He may not further recruit until he has regained his capital but
may be 'lent' troops. A second player may grant him a new 'homeland'
which he then takes as a capital.
Each ship model fights as per its army list.
ship model carries 4 elements so sea battles will be extremely bloody.
Each player counts 1 for enemy elements destroyed
in excess of his own in each conflict, plus 2 for an enemy non-Arthur
General. Killing Arthur is worth -2 to a British player other than
Medraut who scores 3. A Saxon/Pict/Irish player gets 2. The Visigoth
dices 1,2 -1, 3,4 0 and 5,6 +1.
Each player at games end gets +1 for each centre.
Saxons get an additional plus 1 for every three centres in modern
England. Scots/Irish score 2 for each centre in Scotland or Pictland
and an additional 5 points if they control two thirds of all such
centres. The Irish count 2 points for any centres in Devon and Cornwall
or Wales and one point for any else where. The Picts get 2 for each
of their centres and 10 points if there are no Irish in Scotland.
One of the Welsh players get 10 points, for controlling at least
two thirds of Wales. Tributaries at games end count for control.
All Tributary centres are counted as 1 point. A British player counts
4 points for any of his own centres and plus 2 for any British Tributary
Centre and plus 2 for any non-British Tributary. The Visigoth counts
plus 2 for any Centre any where and plus 3 for each remaining ship

After Action Report
The game went very well and 12 players gathered round
the Round Table. Due to the space we reduced the centres to two
each. For those who have read John Morris' the Age of Arthur the
game turned out quite accurate. In the South a two and thro situation
arose between the British and the Saxons. York held the North South
and the Votadini kept the Picts at bay. The armies in Wales could
only leave at times of internal peace and those in south Wales found
it hard to get out. From North Wales I overran Strathclyde but this
was non-player controlled and would have been tough against a real
player. The Irish came and went from Devon/Cornwall and then tried
Dariada where at first successful over the Picts they were later
pushed back to the coast. This was one of our longest Meetings and
even by night time a number of players didn't want to stop. Like
most things of this nature it was just getting going when we had
to call stop and would really be better over two days.
The system of play was introduced to the club by Bruce
Meyer basically the DBA campaign system is played out on the table
which is set out like a map. The armies were 12 base ones and we
used DBM Rules. Good fun, try it.
to ancient