DESPATCHES Issue # 106 -
Winter 1996/97
From The Editor This issue, as is suggested
by the cover, has a Napoleonic theme, with articles on the Vistula Legion,
Waterloo and casualty rates due to musketry fire. That’s not to say that other periods have been forgotten -
there’s coverage of the Crusades, Colonial Wars and the Fall of Hong Kong,
to name but a few. This issue’s colour spread
focuses on German armoured camouflage on the Western Front
in the closing months of WWII, although I’ve managed also to slip
in a colour illustration of a Polish Voltigeur. No prize winners to be
announced this time as the crossword proved a little too challenging for you
all, and there was no response to the caption competition.
Both competitions will however return in the next issue, so there
will be ample opportunity to win those prizes.
In the meantime, you can exercise your intellect by trying Adrian’s
brain teaser on page 16. Response in the way of
articles was much better than expected (we even had a submission from an
ex-member, Mike Dyer, who is living in Bangkok).
However, although I have a few articles earmarked for the Spring
issue, more are needed. Especially
welcome would be anything from the silent majority of the club who have yet
to see their names in print. The deadline for submissions for issue #107 is 12 February 1997 (the Wednesday after Lunar New Year), and these should be sent to me preferably in Microsoft Word format by e-mail to ajjc@hkstar.com or alternatively by fax to 2849 6584. Well, what are you waiting for?… get writing! This issue’s cover depicts ‘Ces terribles chevaux grises…’ Royal Scots Greys hack their way through Napoleon’s Cuirassiers at Waterloo as imagined by R. Caton Woodville |
fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem Ludovic
Dias Colonial
Wars A
wargame area worth exploring Bill
McIntyre German
Armoured Camouflage
Front 1944 -1945 Andrew
Vistula Legion Forces
of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw At
the November meeting Andrzej
Cierpicki Where
H.G. Feared to Tread Recognise
the battle? Adrian
Esland Internet
Providers in HK A
guide to latency rates Adrian
Esland Computer
Screen A
review of Tacops Philippe
Buchle A
Birthday, A Battlefield and Two Books
review of two books on Waterloo
Hunt The
fall of Hong Kong in 1941 Andrzej
Cierpicki On
a Roll of 5 or Higher Remove Three Figures Casualty
rates in the Napoleonic era Bruce
Meyer Diplomacy
Our War Correspondent Ludovic
Dias Officer
Fitness Reports A
little humour Mike Dyer