Despatches grew in the early 1980's from a need to fill a void in written wargaming material, particularly locally. Despatches was published under the editorship of various individuals, initially to a monthly schedule, but later on an increasingly erratic basis. For example, 50 issues were produced between October 1980 and April 1985; another 43 issues by Spring 1991, and thereafter, only 10 issues, culminating in issue 108, in the Summer of 1997.
It is indeed remarkable that a small club such as ours generated such a volume of prose over a period of 17 years. Issues averaged some 20 pages, the Special 50th and 100th editions, considerably more. Samples of the last 3 issues are reproduced below, almost in their entirety .
Much of what was written in the past is still of relevance and interest to the current readership and will, time permitting, reappear under the relevant subject headings elsewhere within this site. That which cannot be readily allocated to a particular period will appear below, together with new contributions that likewise cannot easily be categorised. Watch this space . . .
HKSW's first ever war and strategy game show Staged at Cyberport on the weekend of 21/22 April 2007.
My Thoughts on DBM by Jeff Herbert A critique of the version 3.0 rules one man's view of what's wrong with DBM
The Philosophy of Wargaming by Peter Hunt Or why we play wargames (issue # 88 of Despatches)
Club Objectives by Jeff Herbert Getting it off my chest one man's view of what's wrong with the club
Wargaming Food by Jeff Herbert Food for thought enlivening the wargamer's dinner table
Drifting Gamer Goes to Asia by Hiroshi Tamura A Japanese wargamer visits Hong Kong an article from issue #89 of Japanese "Command" magazine
A Tribute to Tony Lee by Lawrence Ho In memory of our fellow wargamer who passed away in August 2010
The King by Jeff Herbert A review of the Netflix movie that purports to be about Henry V
Darkest Hour and Churchill by Peter Hunt A review of the Churchillian duo
Valiant by Peter Hunt A review of Walt Disney's latest animated film
Kingdom of Heaven by Jeff Herbert A review of the movie that purports to be about the Crusades
Alexander by Peter Hunt A review of Oliver Stone's movie
Some of you have asked why there are different fonts used throughout the site - for your information, the default font is Arial, anything from past issues of Despatches is in Times New Roman; this way you can readily tell the new from the old. Fiendishly clever, eh! BOOK REVIEWS Erebus by Jeff Herbert A review of Michael Palin's book |