Diplomacy 1

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an e-mail campaign

hosted by Ludovic Dias


The Nations


England - James Bishop

France - Jeff Herbert

Germany - Dan Thielen

Italy - Andrzej Cierpicki

Austria - Matt Worsman 

Russia - civil disorder

Turkey - Adrian Esland



The Game


Well, it's finally over - congratulations to James on his well deserved win, in what must rank as one of the longest ranking games of Diplomacy on the club's record.  Adrian, Andrzej and Jeff (just) made it to the end of the game, with Matt falling by the wayside a little earlier despite his valiant efforts to confuse the enemy - and confuse them he did!


Thanks to Ludovic for managing to keep the game running despite a move from Hong Kong to France and several computer crashes thereafter.



The Final Position (lots of pink bits)



For a brief visual history of the fortunes of the players during the game, click here.


The Resources


A copy of an early computer moderation program can be obtained from Underdogs.


And here for you to print out are a colour map with place names and a blank black & white map.


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