June 2004
Andrzej Cierpicki
Flying Circus took to the skies after an absence of 2 years (see the June
2002 report for the last dogfight). Four aerial battles took place
above the trenches, with the Brits emerging the clear victors at the end of
the day.
first dogfight, set in 1915, pitted Horace, Sam and Nick, flying Airco DH2
pushers, together with Andrzej in a 2-seater pusher FE 2b against the Fokker
Scourge, Adrian, Philippe and Chris piloting Fokker EIII Eindeckers.
Although outnumbered, the Fokkers could take more damage than the fragile
British planes and carried considerably more ammunition. Despite this,
however, the British prevailed, only Philippe escaping to fight another day.
second dogfight was a more evenly matched affair, 4 Sopwith Camels vs. 4
Fokker DR1 Triplanes, Andrzej switching to the German side and Denny joining
the British. The Camels, however, made easy meat of the Triplanes, the
Germans again falling prey to the twin rattle of the British guns.
the next encounter, a German bombing mission, Andrzej piloted a Junkers J1
2-seater with an escort of 2 Fokker DVII's and a Fokker DVIII.
Intercepting the German flight were 3 SE5a's and a Sopwith Snipe, the
latter piloted by Denny. The Junkers is a sturdy aircraft, being of
all metal corrugated construction (later to be made famous in the Junkers
Tri-motor transport during WWII) and able to take a lot of punishment . . .
and punishment it did take, being the first plane to be shot down when it
was bracketed by two of the SE5a's! Another failed mission for the


last mission reversed the roles with the British carrying out a bombing
mission comprising Airco DH4 and RE8 2-seaters escorted by a Sopwith Snipe
and an SE5a. This time the Germans were taking no chances and, in
addition to 2 Fokker DVII's, 2 high altitude fighters, the Siemens Schuckert
DIII and DIV. Despite having an apparent altitude advantage, the
British again carried the day by successfully bombing one of the 2
objectives, although Horace's DH4 was brought down shortly after it had
dropped its bombs.
the final score was 12 kills to the British against which the Germans could
only muster a meagre 5. Final tally appears below.
Congratulations Sam on getting to be an ace after only 4 missions!
Pilot: |
Adrian |
Philippe |
Chris |
Andrzej |
Horace |
Sam |
Nick |
Denny |
Kills: |
2½ |
1 |
1½ |
0 |
1½ |
5 |
4 |
1½ |
Downed: |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
1 |

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