adaptation of "Crossfire" rules
Peter Hunt
"Contre Les
Viets" is a set of adaptations for Arty Conliffe's "Crossfire"
("CF") Rules to reflect the special circumstances of the War in
French Indochina between 1945 and 1954.
You have to have a set of CF and the "Hit and Dirt"
supplement to play "Contre Les Viets".
The rule changes are laid out according to the CF paragraph numbers.
Generally anybody who is familiar with CF should have no trouble with
"Contre Les Viets". There
are two major types of changes:
Changes to CF, either because I
prefer them to the CF systems, (such as off board artillery, suppression
effects etc.,) or because CF, which modestly (and perhaps unnecessarily
in my opinion, because it is a cracking system) only aims at company
sized infantry actions with a very few AFVs, doesn't cater for them,
(such as soft vehicles, airstrikes, rivercraft etc.).
Again a lot of this is my own work but a lot is borrowed from
Barrie Lovell's, Lloyd Nikolas' and Tim Marshall's ideas and rules
adaptations. So as not to
break up the rules too much the totally new stuff has been included
after the normal CF rules sequence.
The terms
"French" and "Viet Minh" (VM) in these rules are both
misnomers but are convenient shorthand for all the troops of the Corps
Expeditionnaire Francais d'Extreem - Orient and the Indochinese Nations of
the French Union, even though only a minority were from the French Mainland;
and their opponents from 1945 to 1954 even though the Vietnam Doc Lap Minh
Hoi was disbanded in 1951.
OK, its time to mix up some Vinogel, break out the 33 Beer and Gauloises, or
spice up your cold rice ball with some nuoc-man fish sauce, and prepare
yourself for a walk down the Street without Joy.
rules changes