The Mission School, L‘Effluent River Station.
Mon Cher Monsieur L‘Elefant,
How pleased I was to receive your message today. If you work really, really hard at you letters and read the Good Book daily I‘m sure that your writing will improve even more. Old Father DeLacroix, (may The Lord bless him) used to say that learning to read and write was the most important step to becoming proper little Frenchmen. I’m sure that one day you would like to be a proper little Frenchman too.
As you can see, although some unenlightened souls still persist in calling me “Chief” , now that I have seen the light of Our Lord I am far happier in my role as school teacher and Altar Boy. Old Father DeLacroix, (may The Saints embrace him) used to say that if we continue to progress like this then in only one or two hundred years the Lomboti would be ready for democracy. Don‘t you feel blessed to know that The Good Lord has set us on the earth to live in such enlightened times?
How I thank you for forgiving the sins of our poor brother Mathew Nnngshitole. He has forgiven the sins against him. Don‘t you feel privileged to live in such a place where God’s charity is already practiced? Old Father DeLacroix, (may the Angels succour him,) used to say that learning forgiveness is the hardest part in becoming a True Christian. How I look forward to the day when you and I become True Christians together.
I must go now to deliver Mass to the tribe. The only thing that I do not understand is that Old Father DeLacroix, ( may The Virgin Mother‘s smile be upon him,) was very upset about us eating the flesh of our enemies but insisted on us taking the blood and body of Christ every day! Arn’t these white people strange sometimes?
Will I see you in church on Sunday?
Your brother in Christ, Jereremy Cho‘Lobotomi