Professor Knuthausen's guide to the Fukarwi


The Fukarwi who are our main subjects of our foundling colony at Lumbago are a colourful people full of strange customs and traditions.  They are ruled over by the Great He Elephant, the current King being Bugga-Ul who succeeded his father Soddom-Ul when the latter died.  Bugga-Ul is surrounded at all times by women.  His three senior wives The Lioness, She Elephant and Jackal are the only ones allowed to touch his person in public or prepare his food and his Amazon bodyguard the only armed warriors allowed to come into his presence.  This is due to his fortune being told by the  Fukarwi witchdoctors Doktor Quaki and She Who Dances With Slimy Things that Bugga-Ul would die at the hands of a man.  This also means that male prisoners taken by the Fukarwi normally have their hands amputated if they are to be kept for something other than slaves.

The great event of the Fukarwi Year is the Miranda Rites which coincides with the mating cycle of the Yellow Banded Tree Frog, or as it is known to the Fukarwi, the Miranda.  During this period the male yellow banded tree frogs venom is at its most potent and although not deadly is used to put its users into a trance like state when they will talk quite freely.  Each Fukarwi is tested by the Witch Hunters by being administered the Miranda and then questioned any that utter treasonous thoughts after being given their Miranda Rites are put to death.  The bodies are later disposed of at the ritual dinner held each night for two weeks.  Each Fukarwi is tested once and the first to be tested are from the elite regiments of which few are selected for death.

The rites also include selecting young males for military service and marriage ceremonies.  During this period young males who have reached eleven years and are deemed worthy are selected for one of the three elite units,  The Come At Night,  The Fukarwi Lions and The Fukarwi Rhinos.  At the same time the most eligible girls are selected for the Royal Amazon Bodyguard.  The Come at Night never reveal their faces thereafter and always go masked.  Their main duty is to police the Fukarwi nation but at times of war are deployed in the vanguard of the army or behind enemy lines.  Each face mask is made in the image of a Fukarwi Death God and these inject horror into all.  The Fukarwi Lions are an elite Impi, as are the Rhinos.  The Lions have white shields with reddish brown patches and the Rhinos, white with black.

Boys not selected for the elite units remain with their families and are sent to tend the herds;  women tend crops.  These boys are known as The Come Together, and receive periodic training in the use of spear, bow or musket.  In times of war they are formed into a number of The Come Together units and make up the majority of the Fukarwi army.  Many of these are not from the Fukarwi, but are subjected peoples who have been assimilated into the tribe.   The boys selected for the elite regiments undertake 7 years of training in training Kraals.   A warrior who excels in battle in The Come Together may be elevated to the Rhinos.   

The main enemy of the Fukarwi are the Lobotomi whom the Fukarwi have fought since the beginning of time.  

Despite attempts of missionaries to convert the Fukarwi, all have failed,  mainly due to the work of Father Seamus Malony.   Father Seamus was at first accepted by the Fukarwi but the temptations of the flesh and millet beer proved to much.  The good Father fell for a Fukarwi Princess daughter to Soddom-Ul and got her pregnant.  In a moment of anger the King killed him and had him dished up for dinner.  The Princess later gave birth to his child who was accepted into the tribe,  the child was named O-Sheah Maloni and he is now a war chief.  Unfortunately no missionaries dare set foot on Fukarwi soil.


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