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Three Blackguards and Lasalle Too by Peter Hunt

A review and a game of Lassalle

Sam Mustafa's Second Edition rules for Napoleonic wargaming 


March to the Sound of Guns by Herbert Wong

An adaptation of Games Workshop's "Warmaster" rules

Very fast play rules for Corps size battles 


A Near Run Thing by Peter Hunt

The introduction that never was

Fast, Furious & Fun rules for Napoleonic wargaming 


Thoughts on the Perfect Napoleonic Rules by Oliver Silsby

A critique of A Near Run Thing

Including some alternative fast play rules


Saxe Regular Infantry by Ludovic Dias

A painting guide

an analysis using several sources


A Birthday, A Battlefield and Two Books by Peter Hunt

A review of two books on Waterloo

(issue # 106 of Despatches)




The Battle of Dos Santos by Justin Tonna

An after action report of a Peninsular War skirmish fought in Malta

Sharpe Practice 2 rules


The Napoleonic Wars by Lawrence Ho

A battle report of GMT's strategic game of the Napoleonic Wars


Die Schlacht Von Bullenkopf by Peter Hunt

An after action report

The history and the battle


A Little Bit of Leipzig by Peter Hunt

An after action report

The history and the battle


The Battle of Trafalgar by Andrzej Cierpicki

At the November 1996 meeting    

(issue # 106 of Despatches)